Well, the Twilight movie is finally out and I have heard a lot of news that its a good movie and has heard of the many predictions of how much it'll make. Well I also said in my last blog that I might not get to see it. Well come to find out my good friend Kristi is taking me to see it and is also paying for my ticket as an earlier Christmas present. Thanks Kristi, I've been waiting for a long time to see it. So her and I made plans to see it Friday (November 28th) but since I have to work that day we decided to see it Thursday (November 27th) but now we might be seeing it Saturday (tomorrow or in actuality later today) so I am hoping that I can see it later today. I can't wait I'm so excited.
On other news, I have updated MandiDavis.com and hope that all of you who haven't checked it out will because its all designed by me! That's right, I'm a web designer and that's what I am hoping to get a degree for. But I have made major changes. Its all been designed on Adobe DreamWeaver CS3, that's such a wonderful program and since I was introduced to it in my Senior year I loved it.
But the main reason for this post is to simply vent. My friend Baber called me to ask me a question for Scott (my ex-fiance) and it pissed me off. She said that he wanted his RF adapter. OMG, WELL I CAN TELL THAT I WANT MY OTHER GAMES THAT HE LET WALK OUT OF HIS HOUSE AFTER I TOLD HIM THAT THE DO NOT LEAVE HIS HOUSE. I have some what, actually NO INTENTIONS OF RETURNING IT TO HIM UNTIL I GET MY DAMN FUCKING GAMES!!!! Then I was talking to my sister Becky and told her, if he really wanted it then we didn't he calll me himself. She merely reminded me whether I was still ready to talk to him and I told her, no not really. So she had a point there. But she did agree that me not returning it till I got my games was a good idea. So yeah, I've made up my mind and I'm sticking to it. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CHASE AFTER MY GAMES BECAUSE HE LET THEM LEAVE HIS HOUSE, HE SHOULD BE IN CHARGE OF THOSE BECAUSE I LEFT HIM IN CHARGE OF THEM. With that I am beginning to wonder if I can really trust "boyfriends" or "fiances" unless I truly know them. Both of my ex-fiances have really fucked me over or fucked me up. It just pisses me off and if they think they are getting off LUCKY, THEY MUST THINK I'M STUPID BECAUSE RIGHT NOW I'M REALLY PISSED OFF JUST THINKING ABOUT IT AGAIN.
But yeah I'm done venting but not being pissed off.
Have a good weekend ya'll.
IT'S HERE!!! Plus More
Labels: heartbreak, life, mandidavis.com, relationships, sadness, update 0 commentsPosted by Mandi Lynn at 4:42 AM
TWO DAYS!!!! & A Few Announcements
Labels: announcements, Breaking Dawn, House of Night, Taylor Swift, Twilight, update 0 commentsWell, its getting closer and closer to the world premier of Twilight: The Movie and I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to see it. The night that it comes out in the United States is November 21, 2008 and I'm hoping to see it when its in theaters so that I don't have a longer wait to see it. But other than being excited for the movie to come out I am also excited to tell ya'll that I just finished reading Breaking Dawn a couple nights ago. I know that I had posted it as a status that I was done but I'm just so excited that I had to do a short review on it at http://mandidavis.com/reviews.html and I hope that ya'll check it out. Other than that I have a couple announcements.
MandiDavis.com has just launched Creative Explosions business website. That's right I am hosting my own business site. I do hope that you check it out.
With recently reading the Twilight Saga (Twilight, Book One; New Moon, Book Two; Eclipse, Book Three; and Breaking Dawn, Book Four) it has opened a new reading them into my reading interests. I am now into reading and I have found at least two new series of Vampire novels. One is The Vampire Diaries written by L.J. Smith (The Awakening, Vol I; The Struggle, Vol II; The Fury, Vol III; and Dark Reunion, Vol IV) as well as House of Night Series written by P.C Cast & Kristin Cast (Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted). I hope that if you have taken an interest in the Twilight Saga that you at least get interested into the listed books.
Taylor Swift's new ablum Fearless is a great album. It was realeased about a week ago and so far I love the album. So far all I know is that the number one single from it is "Love Story" and I absolutely love that song that I have it as my ringtone. If you like Taylor Swift and loved/liked her first album (self-titled Taylor Swift) you'll love Fearless.
Well that's all for now.
~*Mandi Lynn*~
Posted by Mandi Lynn at 3:18 AM
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